Eurasia has won the 21st Century Imperial Wars while ZOG is being shut out!#comment-1827769

I went on a Eurail pass vacation in Oct. 1983. Unlimited first class railway travel in Europe outside the Russian zone. In Vienna I saw the statute of the Red Army Rapist. Joseph Stalin cut a deal with the Austrian government that the Russians would leave Austria if the Austrians admitted that they started “The Great Patriotic War”, paid small reparations and putin their constitution that they would remain neutral and not join the proposed NATO. When I was there on leave from my stint in a Lance nuclear missile battalion 2d Btn 42d Field Artillery (Lance).

In 1952 and 1953 that great humanitarian Joseph Stalin wrote a letter to Chancellor Adenaur offering to let the Germans rejoin in one country in return for the same deal made to Austria. Admit they started the war, pay an indemnity and never tear down the Russian war memorial. Adenauer, like Zelensky refused the offer so Germqny remained divided until 1991. The deal with Gorby was no epansion of NATO and taking out the Lance and Pershing 1 theater missiles but by 1985 I was out of the Army as I only signed on for two years from 1981-83.

So the Cold War like all of ZOGs Wars was altogether a scam and unnecessary. Now ZOG is like an aging bully who will get its ass whupped if it starts too much trouble while the rest of Asia and the Global South are uniting to fight the senile degenerate Mighty Evil Emnpire.

Looks like ZOG is losing both the wars it started, both in Khazaristan on the Dnieper and Khazaristan on the Jordan. With the loss of the petro-ZOGbux as a reserve currency and Russia/China/Iran/North Korea in alliance means a closed circular system in Asia where there is enough food, energy, and technology to take care of the allied population while shutting out ZOG and EuroZOG.

The Satanic Clown World is being shut out while the former Western ZOG rots.

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

LibberToon Candidate Eastern District Newton County Missouri

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