Is ZOG & ZOGlings Doomed? Itz the end of the ZOG as we know it — and I feel fine.!#comment-1825255

First of all, due to the Whigger Problem there is no “America” left or “Americans”. We all be ZOGlings, subject to a Mighty Evil Satanic Empire now on the way out. So I am pleased to see that what I predicted a long time since the late 1980s is cum-cummin’ to pass. ZOG will be driven out of the jewkraine like it was in Afghanistan  and the meddling in Palestine and Taiwan will cum to nothing. Russia, China, Iraq and Korea will develope a Putin-“XI Doctrine” in which ZOG is coonfined to the Western Hemisphere and civil war rages. I’ve written at length about how “white nationalism” is a scam just like Kosher KhannedServantism” advocating and politicising the actions of “Lone Tards” like Dylann Roff and Robert Bowers on behalf not of “an ethnostate” but rather Ten Thousand Warlords which are local theocratic warlords who will put to death sundry piglice, lawyers, judges along with theys’ families and these warlords will set theysselfs up as the new bandit kings like can be read about every 40 years in the Old Testament books of Kings.

It is now known that the covid ZOG-virus was created at Ft. Detrick and released at these military games in Wuhan in Sept. 2019 and the clot-shot is killing millions more uch as Toby Queef and other ZOGlings. So whiggers who trust ZOG are dropping like flies while thos of us who hate ZOG stil live. Another trillion is added to the debt in interest every 100 daze. Inflation is pre-hyper-inflation of 30% a year. Cheeto-Jesus the ZOG Emperor still is fighting and might well win re-selection. Either way more conflict is guranteed.

Just like the covid-ZOGvirus and the spongiform encephlophalies, ZOG has developed Spotted Fever and Lymes and Al-gal in ticks at Plum Island. My 75-year-old neighbor living 75 yards south of me just got Al-gal from a tick bite a few weeks ago. So ZOG is killing the most tractible of its ZOGlings while ZOGs enemies become tougher and more vindictive. The end result is that ZOG will not only collapse but be pulled down and destroyed.

I was so pleased when my “Christian Scumbag” state representative had his idiot daughter and son-in-law robbed, raped, killed but regrettably not eaten by Haitian niggers the other day. Definitely like when TrairorGlenn Miller’s last non-homo spawn was killed back pre-2010 by a Missouri Highway Patrolman definitely a bright moment of my golden years.

White Nationalism is a scam in which whiggers try to save something of a dying ZOG/Babylon instead of simply letting the inevitable Collapse and Fall happen to grab a section for themselves.

Hail Victory !!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt

Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

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